Before you fully understand the complexity of your clients' finances, you need information. You probably have a better chance of getting a complete picture of the situation if your client begins gathering this data sooner rather than later. The search typically begins...
Forensic Accounting
Child support, alimony and working with a forensic accountant
If you are preparing for a high-asset divorce, various stressors lie ahead. Parents often face challenges related to parenting time, while high net worth divorces often bring up concerns over the division of marital property. However, child support and alimony are...
The function of a forensic accountant in an Illinois divorce
The term “forensic accountant” appears at first glance to be oxymoronic. Accountants deal with numbers; forensics relates to the use of science in crime detection. The two terms come together, however, in divorce and civil cases involving large amounts of money. A...
Utilizing forensic accounting to prove fraud
When a business suspects that fraud has been committed in any number of ways, there are multiple avenues which can be taken to prove such a claim. One of those ways is by utilizing the services of a forensic accountant. Defined as a combination of investigative...
A quick look at the purpose of forensic accounting
Many people are tied up in the emotional aspect of divorce. This is understandable given that marriage dissolution often entails the untangling of two lives that have been lived together for a significant period of time. Yet, divorce can also set the financial stage...